Active Travel and Schools – a consultation

Dumfries Learning town Consultatiion
Find out more about the plans and have your say at this consultation event on the 23rd May

Cycling Dumfries have long considered that having safe, direct and attractive cycling routes to schools will be key to making Dumfries a better place to get around for everyone. So we’re very pleased to see that as part of the Dumfries Learning Town initiative there is a wider consultation about active travel.

There is an exhibition and consultation event on Tuesday 23rd May which we’d urge everyone to go along to – not just parents, teachers and pupils. And there is also a survey on active travel asking about which routes people take now to walk and cycle, what the barriers are, and what would encourage them to cycle more. Please do fill it in, again whether you’re connected to the local schools or not. If we don’t tell the council what we want, we can’t complain when they don’t give it to us!

We have also been talking (briefly) to the Dumfries Learning Town team and will be passing on our own ideas – but the more people they hear from the better so do go and have your say.

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